While I Run I Hope September

To change the world
It starts with one step
However small
First step is hardest of all 

Brynn playing a little soccer

I have decided to change things up a bit on the blog and only post once per month with my updated running mileage. Instead of posting each individual run I will have a spreadsheet with all my tracked miles.

This now brings me up to a total mileage of 241.05 miles!

This past month has had some highs and lows. My highlight of the month was my trip to Virginia to see Purdue play Virginia Tech. I was able to spend a day in Roanoke, VA and decided to run up to the Mill Mountain Star. It was certainly not an easy run but what a reward when I got to the top. Isn't that true with any challenge that we may encounter in life? You might be standing on the ground staring up at your mountain that you need to climb and wonder how in the world will I make it? 




The lows of the month was when I got Covid. I took 6 days off from running and even after I started getting back to it I was very winded after only a mile. It would take me another week of recovery and I can say now I'm back to about 90 percent. Even with all of my rest, I'm happy to say that I made my 65 miles with one day to spare! 


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