
Showing posts from January, 2024

While I run, I hope. January

      To change the world  It starts with one step However small The first step is hardest of all There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes. The winter weather has finally arrived. I was a bit nervous about running in such cold temperatures. The coldest that I have previously run is was around 10 degrees. This picture was taken on a day when the air temperature was at 2 with the wind chill in the -15 to -25 range.  I hope that Brynn can look at this picture someday and realize that 1. We are always fighting for her no matter what. 2. When things are tough anything is possible with the right mindset 3. Her uncle truly is crazy So far January has been a great running month. Today I will break the 400 mile barrier and I look to be on track to gain back some of the miles that I lost in November! 421 miles to close out January!!

While I run, I hope. November/December

    To change the world  It starts with one step However small The first step is hardest of all November update:  I have been resting my foot now all month with no running. It has been very hard to sit around and let this month pass by, but I need to keep the ultimate goal in mind. I was able to go ice skating with the children on the last weekend in November with no pain. I will be picking up my running starting December 1st! I also used up the last of my banked miles to give me 28 miles in November. This brings me to a total of 288 miles which now puts me 37 miles behind my goal.  December I'm back!!! This was a great month of running. My biggest challenge this month was finding time to get my running in with all the family time around the Christmas and New Year holidays. I couldn't have asked for nicer weather, in fact, on Christmas day we had record warmth and I ran in shorts and a t-shirt! This now brings me up to 353 miles in total. 

While I run I hope. October

                                                                   To change the world           It starts with one step However small                  First step is hardest of all   October started off great. I have been training hard for my long run to the Shrine of Our Lady of Champion. I have never completed such a long run. I'm both nervous and excited!  I began my long run at 6:00am. I woke up at 3:30am to eat breakfast and then fell back asleep until 5:00am. Keeping my body fueled was key. I had my water and energy gels for the long run. I managed to finish the almost 22 mile run in 3 hours and 56 minutes. I then got to join Fulton and his class for Mass at the Shrine. What a beautiful day! After my run it became apparent that I had hurt my left foot. I rested my foot quite a bit during this time but soon realized that I would need to take a significant time off if I was going to complete my ultimate goal of 650 miles. This was a difficult decision because I didn't want